Format/Modality: 16-week, Independent Study / Practice-based Activities.
Digital Technology: Microsoft Teams
Instructional Design: Problem-based Learning
Format/Modality: 16-week, Independent Study / Practice-based Activities.
Digital Technology: Microsoft Teams
Instructional Design: Problem-based Learning
As described in the course catalog:
Students may register under one of the following options, which will have the same learning outcomes.
CMST390E – Applied Comm-Organizational Cm 390E-1 to 6 Applied Communication-Organizational Communication. Supervised individual and group performance in various communication arts. Emphasis on the practical application of communication skills in organizational communication. May be repeated for credit up to a maximum of six hours total from 390, 490 and 491 toward degree requirements. Special approval needed from the instructor.
CMST490E – Comm Practicum-Organizational 490E-1 to 6 Communication Practicum-Organizational Communication. A supervised experience using communication skills. Emphasis on the development of performance skills in organizational communication. May be repeated for credit. Undergraduates limited to a total of six hours from 390, 490, and 491 and graduate students to three to be counted toward degree requirements. Prerequisite: twelve hours of communication studies. Special approval needed from the instructor.
Typically, no textbook is required. However, a textbook may be used when warranted.
Additional required readings will be made available on Microsoft Teams.
The goals are devised by learners in consultation with Dr. Craig Engstrom. Generally, learners pair learning goals and outcomes with their career goals.
Procedures are not necessarily sequential.
© 2025 · Craig Engstrom