Training Topics
I am not going to lie, this has been a difficult journey the past few weeks. Studying went well overall, but as the end of summer arrived and my duties of overseeing the Saluki Success course at my university (40 direct reports for 50+ sections), undergraduate director of Communication Studies program (an admin position), and my teaching responsibilities increased, it become increasingly harder to study. Fortunately, the last few days were topics I feel very confident about as a researcher.
Thank you to everyone who has followed me on this journey or who come across the page in the future. I hope you find the notes helpful. My intention was merely to keep track of notes in a public space, not share commentary on my journey. I think that was clear form the beginning.
Todays notes cover Future Readiness. I am ready for the CPTD exam, let’s see how I do. My exam data is still am month away. I will use my notes now to review and I will continue to study, mostly by reading articles in areas I feel I may be lacking, such as Kirkpatrick’s 4 Levels of Evaluation.ATD Exam Topics Covered from Future Readiness:
- 3.8.A Knowledge of techniques to promote, support, and/or generate innovation and creativity, for example design thinking, brainstorming, and ideation.
- 3.8.B Knowledge of internal and external factors that influence talent development, for example organizational/business strategies, availability of labor, developments in other industries, societal trends, and technological advances.
Key things to know:
PEST(AL) Analysis
Astute TD professionals will likely find themselves scanning regularly and asking what it means for the future of talent development and the organization.
- Centralized scanning looks at specific components of the environment or proposes a hypothesis that is assumed to influence current issues, such as research on the use of virtual reality.
- Comprehensive scanning looks at the broader environment without a specific hypothesis. It often leads to a decision to do one or more centralized scans to gain further insight.
Know various approaches like Lean, Design Thinking, Divergence/Convergence, and basic brainstorming techniques like mind mapping.
The TD BoK has some really basic stuff. Most questions will likely focus on when to implement something. So just think about what you would do in sequential order on the job. In fact, that’s the best way to approach most questions.