Today, I’m reviewing the following topic/skill statement from the Content Outline
- 1.2 Emotional Intelligence & Decision-making
These are notes, typos very likely!
What is Emotional Intelligence?
Good video Explanation w/ some Application
Definition from TD BoK >>
Emotional intelligence is the potential to monitor and accurately identify, express, and understand one’s own and others’ emotions and reactions. It also includes the potential to control personal emotions, use them to make good decisions, and act effectively (Mayer, Salovey, and Caruso 1998)
- EQ is more determinant of success than IQ
- Multiple intelligences = Howard Gardner >>
- RULER = recognizing, understanding, labeling, expressing, and regulating emotions
- Connects to 2.2.1 = Instructional design (EQ can provide an evidence-based approach, esp. in behaviorism)
- SMEs/Trainees with high EQ can rely on a cognitivist and constructivist approach (see image from Brandi Maynard’s LinkedIn Post)
- It is difficult to measure EQ (because it is application of applying emotions to manage behavior
- Criticism: Too focused on self-assessment
Four dimensions (
- Self-awareness is foundational; it enables us to be aware of our own responses and emotions.
- Self-management is the application of self-awareness to make more conscious decisions about how to respond.
- Social awareness requires paying attention to others–their feelings (stated and unstated), and being aware of context and environment.
- Social management applies all dimensions to have productive interactions with others.
- Note that this article suggests a connection to Change Management, with key takeaway:
- Mitigate stress, increase learning agility, promote employee recognition (don’t undervalue!)
Three models
- Ability model = perceive, reasoning, analyze and choose, respond appropriately
- Mixed model = five competencies, is called a mixed model because it mixes emotional intelligence qualities with other personality traits unrelated to either emotion or intelligence.
- Trait model = personality determines EQ
Goleman 5 Competencies >>
People with High EQ can do the following:
- Identify personal bias
- Avoid prejudice
- Demonstrate empathy (cognitive, emotional, and empathetic [affective]
Decision-making models:
- Rational
- Satisficing (bounded-rationality)
- Models in TDK:
- The Kepner-Tregoe Decision-Making Methodology = structured process for gathering, prioritizing, and evaluating information = assessment and prioritizing of risk. (Similar to Simon’s Satisfincing IMHO)
- Paired-comparison and Delphi Technique also seem to be emphasized by ATD
Coaching and Mentoring can improve EQ
Excellent article connecting EQ/decision making to outcomes:
Here are the LOs for a course that TD offers, which suggest to me what TD professionals ought to be able to do with EQ in TD scenarios (see:
- Spot emotional triggers before they happen
- Use techniques to avoid or reduce the reaction to emotional triggers.
- Learn to map this information for your teams to minimize bad decision making.
- Use current tools and instruments to help teams under stress.
Training Process
- Assess to get a baseline
- Create development plan
- Practice skills/behaviors
- Which will develop resiliency
Observing Empathy (this is focused on child, but still good as illustrations of observing the different types of EQ.)
Source of image / research >>
Assessing parental empathy: A role for empathy in child attachment, November 2014, Attachment & Human Development, 2014, 10.1080/14616734.2014.969749
Job experience can improve ones EQ, a study of nurses:
Key point: Organizations and management nursing should implement intervention programs that promote wellbeing and satisfaction in workers during their working age. It would be of interest to train nursing professionals in such necessary competencies as Empathy, Emotional Intelligence and Self-Efficacy.